Discover more from VetSafe. Combining the power of rich, profession-wide data with experience and expertise to provide deeper understanding about the types and causes of incidents reported.

With features added regularly, incorporating the latest VetSafe data and current understanding of safety science, there’s always more to explore to increase awareness of patient safety incidents across the profession.

Learn from experience of others through shared examples and suggestions, using our reflective prompts to discover how these insights can help you spot opportunities for improvement in your practice.
Bringing you insights into what’s happening and common reasons behind the most frequently reported incident types. Could these things be happening in your practice? Medication dispensing, neutering, patient identification and more.
Linking together incidents reported at different stages of a process of care delivery and the knock-on effects these can have. Helping you to join the dots and spot where underlying system weaknesses may be.
Examples combining VetSafe data with community experiences, highlighting where well-designed systems help improve safety. Could these stories inspire change in your practice?
Speeding up learning across the profession with insights about incidents reported less frequently but with high potential impact on patients.
Visualising combined incident data from across the profession. Use the aggregate VetSafe data as a benchmark for patterns of reporting and patterns of incidents.
Learn how to get the most out of your VetSafe data. Features and guidance to help you feel confident in understanding what’s going on in your practice and taking the next steps to improvement.
From insights to improvement, feel inspired to drive change. Highlighting tools and methods to support your quality improvement work.